With parishes beginning to implement the use of livestreamed liturgies in order to serve their communities, many parishioners may be struggling to join in song and praise, lacking access to their missals or hymnals. Additionally, choirs across the country, now be limited to a handful of singers, are struggling to find music that suits only a few voices. For this reason, it’s important that music and choir directors choose songs for the liturgy that are well-known among their congregations and accessible to their smaller ensembles. Whether parishioners are worshiping from home or at church, we must offer them songs with which they are familiar; so familiar, in fact, that parishioners don’t require a worship aid or lyric projection to sing along.
To help with this, below are 25 popular Catholic songs that most parishioners know by heart. Many of these songs can be found within popular worship aids such as Breaking Bread, Today’s Missal/Music Issue, Glory & Praise and Journeysongs. Yet, even without access to the written music, your congregations will be able give praise to the Lord, growing in love and spirituality through these songs.